Welcome To My Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! The posts are short, sweet and to the point. Typically current photos I have taken that follow my professional and personal life. No long written paragraphs here for all of you short attention span readers. And I'm not that good of a writer anyways :-) I hope you gain a good idea of who I am thru my photography, my travels, and my humor posted here. Come back soon!


The Knot "Best of Weddings 2009 Pick"

Sorry that I have been late to spread the news...but we found out at the end March that we were chosen again by our local Boston "Knotties" as a "Best of Weddings Pick" for the second year in a row!!! It is humbling for this distinction and we look forward to another fantastic year already upon us! Thank You Knotties!

Beacon Hill

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