Welcome To My Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! The posts are short, sweet and to the point. Typically current photos I have taken that follow my professional and personal life. No long written paragraphs here for all of you short attention span readers. And I'm not that good of a writer anyways :-) I hope you gain a good idea of who I am thru my photography, my travels, and my humor posted here. Come back soon!


A Graduation of Sorts

Last night I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph one of my closest friends in her 9th month of pregnancy. She approached me with the idea and I immediately said yes. I have never shot anything as intimate as this, and walked away with a wonderful experience and some fun and tasteful images. Thank you Lauren and Oscar for being so fun to work with and such great friends!

Also involved at my studio for the shoot was assistant Maria (hair, makeup), my grip Chris (setup, lighting, and music), and of course, father-to-be, Oscar.


Geese of the Garden

Just thought I would share this image taken this past weekend at the Boston Public Gardens. Had to carefully navigate thru a ton of geese landmines and step on a few webbed toes, but got the shot, lol.


Ask The Photographer

The Fall/Winter 2007 Issue of Elegant Wedding by Boston Magazine has just hit the book shelves. In it you will find on page 202 the "Ask The Photographer" section. I am featured here as I answered a question regarding "wedding albums". I hope you will be able to check it out on the bookshelves, and if not, I have free magazines here at the office for all.


4th Place & a Great Ranking

The results are just out for the Q1 2007 [AG]WPJA contest and I took a 4th place finish for this photo. I enter contests such as this lightly, never expecting a particular photo to place, but I have been pretty consistent with taking winning images that seem to impress the judges. An added bonus is the 12th place ranking on the front of the [AG]WPJA website. Keep in mind that amazing photographers from around the world enter this contest! Check it out!

This image was shot at the State Room in Boston at a wedding this past April. For other winning images from the WPJA click here to check some out... WPJA