Welcome To My Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! The posts are short, sweet and to the point. Typically current photos I have taken that follow my professional and personal life. No long written paragraphs here for all of you short attention span readers. And I'm not that good of a writer anyways :-) I hope you gain a good idea of who I am thru my photography, my travels, and my humor posted here. Come back soon!



My new "assistant" (lol) Maria and I made it to Scotland early this morning. A 16 hour door to door trip from Boston. We are here for a wedding next Tuesday and will be spending some time with friends this weekend. It will be such an amazing time and I will post pictures when I can.

We already checked out the "Royal Mile" as well as stumbled upon a Scottish Beer Fest for which I paid the 5 pounds entrance fee without hesitation . See picture below. The city of Edinburgh is visually stunning, safe, and FUN!!! We can't wait for the next several days.

Go Celtics!!!

Uhmmmmm Beeeerrrrr!!!

This sure ain't Beantown!

Look who we met.

Oh, and a side note... I did not know that it does not get dark here until 11:00PM. So cool, yet so strange.

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