Welcome To My Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! The posts are short, sweet and to the point. Typically current photos I have taken that follow my professional and personal life. No long written paragraphs here for all of you short attention span readers. And I'm not that good of a writer anyways :-) I hope you gain a good idea of who I am thru my photography, my travels, and my humor posted here. Come back soon!


Brides Magazine Party

I attended the Brides Magazine / Brides.com Party the other night at a really cool space called The Artists for Humanity Center in South Boston. It was a tasty evening with wonderful apps and martinis, amazing decor and design by Tangorra Wedding Planning and great music by DJ Raffi. It felt a bit like I was in New York City on the set of a Sex in the City party. I made a lot of new friends from magazine editors to event planners and a few new photographers, aka Team Yu, Brittnay Blando, and Will Tangorra.

Brides Magazine Party Photo care of William Tangorra
Photo Credit above = William Tangorra
Brides Magazine Party Photo care of William Tangorra
Photo Credit above = William Tangorra


Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming Brian!
Your sister in law was absolutely adorable. She made my night by comparing the party to something out of SATC. Thanks for the positive feedback!

Team Yu Photography said...

Hey new friend, just popping in to say hi and it was awesome meeting you at the party. Let's get together for a couple of drinks when you have some free time.

Brittany Blando said...

Brian - awesome seeing you at the party looking forward to lunch when you return from your destination wedding. Bring back some fabulous photos! :)