Welcome To My Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! The posts are short, sweet and to the point. Typically current photos I have taken that follow my professional and personal life. No long written paragraphs here for all of you short attention span readers. And I'm not that good of a writer anyways :-) I hope you gain a good idea of who I am thru my photography, my travels, and my humor posted here. Come back soon!


Subway Sandwiches in the Red Sox Dugout

On Friday, I assisted argueably the foremost sports / portrait photographer of our time, Walter Iooss of Sports Illustrated . We went to Fenway Park to photograph Red Sox closer Jon Papelbon for the magazine.

It was an intense day that started early with picking up a van full of power packs, strobes, and tons of other lighting equipment. The shoot didn't start till 3PM so after setting up we had a few extra hours to kill. Enter the Subway Sandwiches...

Here, the best part of my day wasn't working with a star athlete, nor working with an iconic photographer whose S.I Swimsuit pictures are ingrained into every American males memory, but it had to be my eating a crummy Subway turkey sub with lettuce, tomato, mayo, and onions while sitting on the Red Sox bench in one of the most historic ballparks. And even while I am not a die hard Sox fan, the moment just could not be overlooked and was very much

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